Monday, March 12, 2012

Live A Little

So in taking my own advice about making the happy moments last and learning to just enjoy this life (esp. if you don't have a spouse or children just yet) I'm going to be posting pictures from different outings this spring and well into the summer. I believe that for every person that works hard, you should equally play as hard... besides we're only 20-Somethings for so long. So I have a laundry list of events (some with friends and others with my hunny :) ) to show that you can be a well-rounded hardworking 20-something... Successful and Fun-loving. I"m doing this because I like most of my friends, are burden down with responsibilities and daily routines that by the time we look up, its time for bed. My mom told me, while I was in the midst of deadlines and graduation lol "Ebony, I'm proud that your so driven yet remember while your reaching your goals... Your only young once in life and the rest of your life is spent growing old" and she was right.

So I'm implementing the "Live a Little" series... bi-weekly I will post pictures of places, recommendations to eat/visit, concerts and festivals that are 3 of my favorites things: Low Cost, Low Gas Usage and Loads of Fun! I believe the biggest lesson in life to learn is how to relax; to be able to turn off the "gotta go" buzz and just enjoy these moments. I'll still post about the ups and downs of being 20-Something ( I have great piece on apartments coming very soon!) but I want to include everything in between. I always stated I wanted to be young enough to keep up with but old enough to teach my kids lessons from my life's experiences. In order to do so I have to "Live a Little" :)

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