Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Since birth you are told to ask for the things that we want; growing up we all watched Disney movies where "Wishing upon a Star" is the most common and most memorable catch-phrase. So we spend our lives asking for the various things we want because we feel that these things will bring us the satisfaction we crave. Yet what happens after you get what you want? As adults we get introduced to a new and ever-lasting phrase "Be Careful what you ask for, You just might get it". Saying the phrase brings chills because it can be applied to a variety of situations and interrupted a multitude of ways. The true interpretation of the phrase is to imply that we must put forth real thought into the things that we seek; to make sure that we choose wisely and that whatever we are hoping for brings us true happiness or true success. If not, we may experience the folly of receiving that want. Kinda like dreams and wishes back firing... the movie Bedazzled explains this concept very well (although what the character learns is to be grateful and patient... A lesson for another blog lol)

 Lately I've noticed many of the people in my life have been experiencing the satisfaction of having a want or wish fulfilled; which is great! Yet along with the satisfaction of getting what you desire, they have also experienced the other side of getting what you want: Disappointment, Confusion or Further Conflict. As adults we wish for many things.... having enough money to pay the bills this month, a better car or better job, yet we lack the specific details that are needed in bringing fulfillment along with the feeling of satisfaction. Moreover, after all the wishing is done and we finally receive that want, sometimes we still make decisions that lead us right back to where we started. I'm often accused of living my life according to a plan and my desire to have things go right is conveyed into being a "Control Freak", and in many ways I just may be a control freak lol Yet I started to become this way because I've experienced what happens with wants and desires and the side effects of getting what you want. I've worked a job that I wanted so bad only to discover it was just more than I can handle; I have gotten windfalls of money that I may have needed and done foolish things with; I've dated guys who seemed like my ideal mate, only to discover I was only looking surface deep... if you catch my drift.

I say all of that to say that while we reach for the things that we want, that we take care of the details. Don't be afraid to get specific in exactly what your seeking; Sometimes the very thing we thought would bring us such joy, causes us the most pain. Making a detailed plan for obtaining your wants should be the next step after realizing what it is you want. It's not being pushy, but taking control of what experiences you have in life. Be bold my dear 20- somethings, write it out, pray or meditate over it and proclaim it to anyone whose willing to listen; put it into the universe ( Remember, Karma Believer lol) and watch it comeback to you exactly how you asked for it, straight up with no chaser ;)

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